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  1. Story: Examining a generous identity
  2. Story: 7 reasons to talk about your giving
  3. News: How to help the vulnerable in any crisis
  4. Video: How giving a treasured possession brought freedom
  5. Book: Integrated Generosity for faith-based families
  6. Stat: Total global giving to coronavirus relief
  7. Parting shot: Something to make you smile


Examining a generous identity

By Jill Foley Turner

Research just published Monday by the University of Groningen in the Netherlands says transferring wealth generously to people we love actually extends our lifespans! This is one in a long line of evidences that generosity is good for you.

This week, we’ll look at the benefits of a generous identity, even if that identity is held quietly, and how it is evidence of the Holy Spirit's transformative work in our lives.


story • 5 MIN

By Gospel Patrons

news • 3 MIN

The Chalmers Center


Ali Eastburn was a generous life waiting to happen, but an attachment to possessions, driven by fear, held her back. She moved from fear and attachment to an adventure of generosity with one bold choice. She realized she didn’t need a wedding ring to prove she was loved, so she sold it, started a charity, and went on mission.

Now she brings clean water to people who need clean drinking water in Africa and homeless people who need showers in Nashville. The power to let go of things is a sure sign of God’s transformational work in the heart of someone developing a generous identity.



For families wanting to strategize giving, to get everything out of it they can and not miss a detail, this is a great resource. With input from many leaders in the generosity ecosphere, this book contains detailed, practical information based on biblical insight. If you read nothing else, do not miss the 12 precepts of integrated generosity.



The Center for Disaster Philanthropy (CDP) is tracking philanthropic donations to the COVID-19 outbreak. As of August 2020, total worldwide donations stood at more than $13.4 billion. In March and April alone, NCF givers like you mobilized more than $196 million for the cause – 31% over the same time period last year.

Parting Shot

Which raises more money for charity – a happy face or a sad face? The answer is actually both, and it depends. If you are a person who is highly involved in giving and connected to the charity, you are more likely to give when seeing a happy face. If you are not involved with the charity and not predisposed to giving, you are more likely to be moved by the sad face. Either way, we’re glad to show this smile today!

So that's our parting shot for this week. What will yours be? Do you have friends, family, or colleagues who would enjoy an email like this? Forward it to them today.

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