Summer Letter from Ricky Brooks

Dear NCF Alabama Family, 

Today is Wednesday, June 21 — the first official day of summer!  We hope the content and resources in this summer email bless you today.
First of all, we are so encouraged by your continued generous giving.  Contributions and grants to ministries are up 12% and 24% respectively. Our grants are an impressive 125% of contributions this year!  We count it a privilege at NCF Alabama to be part of your stewardship of resources.   
Secondly, I would like to recommend a couple of book resources to you.  You might find The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn or Your Life…Well Spent by Russ Crosson to be particularly helpful. 

Since taking the role of President of NCF Alabama, I have reflected regularly on my own “journey of generosity” and our mission “to mobilize resources and inspire Biblical generosity”.   Psalms 67:1-2 says, “May God be gracious to us and bless us and make His face to shine upon us that Your way may be known on earth, Your saving power among the nations.”  God has blessed each of us.  I have found that Biblical generosity begins with a Biblical worldview of connecting the blessing from the Lord with the purpose of the blessing.  We have been blessed for a purpose.  Let us consider that we are stewards of His resources, and one of the purposes is to make Him and His ways known.  I hope you will discover the ways He wants you to be part of His work.

If you are interested in learning more about how to better steward your giving, please reach out.  We would love to share resources we have and be of assistance.    
Warmest Regards,   
Ricky Brooks