NCF Rocky Mountains

A like-minded ministry you can trust

Every day, we help givers just like you send more to the causes they love. Together, we've mobilized over $18 billion for 90,000 charities at work here in our community and around the world.

7 tips to engage God and make adjustments to your Giving Strategy

If you look at a calendar year like a long hike through the mountains, the end of summer marks the point in the journey where the crest is behind us, and we’re cruising down the trail towards flatter land. Sure, we could simply follow the downhill path to the trailhead. Or we could recheck the map, make some adjustments, and finish the hike knowing we did all we could to experience as much unexpected joy and wonder as possible. I’m more of the “last mile is my best mile” kind of hiker, so recalibrating and adapting to make the most of the way down (and find the best views) will always be my choice. 

If we relate this to our generosity, now’s the time of year to reevaluate and potentially readjust our giving strategy so that we can finish the year knowing that we’re making the most of all that God’s entrusted to us. 

To do so, I challenge you to set aside one day (or even half a day) to seek the Lord as it relates to your family’s giving. I want your time with Him to be abundantly fruitful, so here are seven tools to help you prayerfully consider the how and the where to engage your generosity.

Bookend with solitude

Fast from outside distractions and invite the Lord into your time together in an authentic, heartful way. Remove yourself from technology and pray for ears to listen fully to the Lord. Meditate on 1 Timothy 6: “As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.”

Walk through the 10 Biblical Principles

Though intended as a 10-day devotional, the ten principles of biblical generosity are truths about how God uses our giving to transform us and shape us into who He calls us to be. Even if you only have time to skim the principles, they’ll take you on a reflective journey to discover your purpose and how God can use generosity in your life. 

Revisit your strategic fund review

Study where you’ve been giving and see how that aligns with your passions. Is it meeting what you feel God has called you to focus on? Now might be the right time for an alternative giving solution like a Charitable Gift Annuity or gifting a business. Email our team for a copy of your review. 

Read The Treasure Principle

Author Randy Alcorn explores Jesus’ intentions behind His words in Matthew 6: how joyful giving brings God ultimate glory and us, His children, ultimate pleasure. Undistracted, this book takes about two hours to read. It’s a great tool to help you think about your giving. 

Seek accountability

Ask trusted friends, family, or us at NCF to pray for you during this time and follow up with you afterward. Ask them to check in on any new direction the Lord gave you or changes you felt called to make.  

(Re)visit the NCF Giving Strategy Guidebook

If you have enough time, gather those that share the privilege and responsibility of stewarding your resources and complete this resource designed to help you explore God’s story for your generosity. If it’s been a while, I encourage you to journey through this process again. 

Evaluate the big generosity picture

If you and your family feel like you’re in a great place with your current giving strategy, consider your generosity on a larger scale. Consider the legacy you’re passing on to the next generation, the legacy of giving, sending, and mobilizing for the gospel’s sake. Answer how you can incorporate the children in your life into your plans and desires for generosity.
To learn more ways to maximize your impact for the causes you love, reach out to your NCF Rocky Mountain team.

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