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Stories to inspire radical generosity

One of the greatest things to inspire my walk in biblical generosity is hearing the journeys of others, mainly in the form of missionary biographies. Like you and me, these individuals are flawed humans. Yet in their humanness, they’ve said,”I’m all in, God.” They’ve taken seriously the call to deny oneself, take up their cross, and follow Christ.

While we can be (and often are) equally as radical in our generosity right where we’ve rooted ourselves, there’s something about the ones that leave the comfort of home that just strikes my heart.

Here are a few recommendations from my list of stories to inspire radical generosity.

Missionary Patriarch: The True Story of John G. Paton

“Mr. Dixon, you are advanced in years now, and your own prospect is soon to be laid in the grave, there to be eaten by worms. I confess to you, that if I can but live and die serving and honoring the Lord Jesus, it will make no difference to me whether I am eaten by Cannibals or by worms; and in the great day my resurrection body will arise as fair as yours in the likeness of our risen Redeemer.” This is one of my more favorite quotes from John G. Paton’s “Missionary Patriarch,”the best missionary biography I’ve ever read, for the spectacular way it humbles me. At a whopping 524 pages, it’s worth its weight in gold. Paton spent his life evangelizing among the South Sea Cannibals, and that’s not even the most extraordinary part of his story! His incredibleunderstanding of God’s sovereignty, based on the fervent prayer of his earthly father, helped him resist sin and endure unspeakable hardship and protected him even when cannibals threatened his life and that of his wife and daughter. Paton’s book is hard to find, so I buy a copy whenever I see one. If you’re interested in reading it, let me know – I’m happy to share.

The Swans Are Not Silent(7-book series), by John Piper

Piper displays God’s enduring faithfulness and the ongoing impact of the gospel as seen in the lives of influential Christians, including Augustine, Martin Luther, John Calvin, CS Lewis, William Tyndale, Jonathan Edwards, and others. Piper covers the lives of three different influential men in each book in the series. The books are short and quick to immerse you in how each journey captures God’s wonders.

C. T. Studd: Cricketer & Pioneer, by Norman P. Grubb

This book tells the powerful story of the conversion of C. T. Studd, a university student and world-class cricket player, who abandoned a wealthy inheritance to give his life as a missionary in China in the 1860s. His action was a powerful influence on many other young people at that time who, over the next several years, also followed Christ and heeded the call to mission fields. Here’s one of my favorite lines where Studd illustrates that we are called to give from our best days, not our “second phase” of life:”God had given me far more than was sufficient to keep my body and soul together, and, I thought, how could I spend the best years of my life in working for myself and the honors and the pleasures of this world while thousands and thousands of souls are perishing every day without having heard of Christ?”

Christian Heroes: Then & Now (50-book series), By Janet and Geoff Benge

As a family, we’ve been listening to the Christian Heroes series from YWAM (Youth With a Mission) while we drive. These fast-paced, challenging, and deeply moving true stories tell about the lives of ordinary men and women whose trust in God accomplished the extraordinary for His kingdom and glory. A few recent favorites include Lillian Trasher: The Greatest Wonder in Egypt, Corrie ten Boom: Keeper of the Angels’ Den, and Dietrich Bonhoeffer: In the Midst of Wickedness.

Jesus Freaks: Stories of Those Who Stood for Jesus,the Ultimate Jesus Freaks, by DC Talk

Yes, that DC Talk, the Christian band hot in the 1990s. Their book,”Jesus Freaks” massively inspired me at a younger age. Through stories of modern-day Christian martyrs who stood boldly for Christ despite ongoing persecution, the book opened my eyes and heart to biblical generosity and to be about the business of the gospel.

Gospel Patrons: People Whose Generosity Changed the World, by John Rinehart

Rinehart tells the story of three different patrons who supported the great movement of God by standing behind world-changers like Newton, Tyndale, and Whitefield. This book inspires and encourages us to believe God uses people of means to enable others to proclaim the good news and accomplish great and glorious works in God’s Kingdom. We have copies to share with you, so reach out for yours!

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