Convene, powered by NCF South Florida

Ready to take your business and faith to the next level?

Many of you – our CEOs and business leaders – have told us that you’re looking for ways to build lasting community with like-minded peers – so, we would like to introduce you to Convene, South Florida’s first Christian Business Leader peer advisory groups. Convene builds on the strong foundation we have with our Lifework Leadership alumni, and has the power to radically change businesses here in South Florida. 

Our Vision

Transforming lives and businesses for God’s glory and the good of South Florida.

Our Mission

To connect, equip and inspire Christian CEOs and business owners to grow exceptional businesses and become higher-impact leaders who honor God and enrich our community.

Founded in 1996 by Brian Thatcher and a group of five CEOs and business owners, Convene was created to meet a vital need. Brian and his partners had a passion for successful business leaders that were isolated and lacked the tools, support and relationships they needed to build profitable businesses. At the same time, they helped them integrate their faith with their work to make a great Kingdom impact. In 2020, NCF South Florida and Convene joined forces to introduce the first Christian business leader peer advisory group to South Florida, as we continue to inspire whole life generosity in all spheres of our community. 

Through a community of peer-to-peer advisory teams, executive coaching and world-class consulting, we work with Christian CEOs and business owners to impact the Life of a Leader, establishing a high-impact legacy that honors God. We work together to enhance leaders’ business and life trajectory, while exploring where God is leading them. Convene provides ongoing business and leadership skill-development with access to One2One coaching and advisory teams, nationally-recognized speakers, and break-through content for continuous transformational learning.

Want to learn more? Continue reading on the Convene website.