NCF Twin Cities

A like-minded ministry you can trust

Every day, we help givers just like you send more to the causes they love. Together, we've mobilized over $18 billion for 90,000 charities at work here in our community and around the world.

Generous Giving

Over the last five years, 700+ Twin Cities Givers have explored a life with “Jesus-like generosity” through experiences hosted by NCF Twin Cities and Generous Giving. Whether it be a dinner gathering with friends, a 24-hour retreat, or joining us for a national conference, these gatherings focus on what it looks like to “live and give in God’s image.”

Intentionally designed to provide a safe space where you can gather with others to learn and grow, these events are pressure free environments and you will not be asked to give financially.

If you have a desire to experience the fullness of God’s joy in your giving, we would love to connect with you about hosting or attending an upcoming event.

Taste of Generosity

The Taste of Generosity is designed to be an easy introduction to Generous Giving. Gather with faithful friends from across our community for an intimate meal and fellowship experience filled with inspirational stories, questions, and conversation around the joy and fulfillment of a generous life in Jesus. As with all Generous Giving events, you will not be asked for a financial gift.

To learn more about a Taste of Generosity, email Hannah Wassink.

Journey of Generosity

A Journey of Generosity (JOG) is the next step for anyone looking to further explore Biblical Generosity. A JOG provides the opportunity to go deeper over 24 hours in a retreat style set up. Join your friends, family or community. All materials are provided, including a trained facilitator to guide the conversation.

To learn more about attending a hosting or attending a Journey of Generosity, email Jeff Carver.

Celebration of Generosity

Celebration of Generosity is Generous Giving’s annual conference where generous friends gather in community. The conference is a three-day event each spring featuring a lineup of compelling teaching, inspiring stories, and Spirit-led worship, this event is designed to spark conversation and deep reflection for individuals, couples and families.

To learn more about attending the Celebration of Generosity, please click here.

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