NCF Heartland

A like-minded ministry you can trust

Every day, we help givers just like you send more to the causes they love. Together, we've mobilized over $18 billion for 90,000 charities at work here in our community and around the world.

3 Bible-based responses to fuel giving in any economic season

Did you know that in times of economic downturn, NCF givers deploy more funds than they do during times of abundance? This generosity we see from you is in contrast to the rest of the world – trends show those with high incomes typically give less during economic downturns, while those with lower incomes give more.

So what makes NCF givers different? We believe it’s our shared belief that motives matter more than money. Of all the people in Jerusalem on the day talked about in Mark 12:41- 44, Jesus talked about a woman who only gave two coins. The story teaches us that God doesn’t need our money; he wants our hearts. And it’s how we honor Him with our giving that matters. 

NCF givers have been entrusted with much, and you continue to be radically generous even through recessions and global catastrophes. Donor-advised funds (DAF) play an important role in providing generous and consistent funding to their favorite charities, even when their investments drop in value or when their income decreases.

So, what does biblical generosity look like during a recession? We can look directly in God’s Word to understand how Christians can and should respond with trust, love, and wisdom. 

Do not fear financial insecurity

There are numerous teachings on money in the Bible to illustrate how to walk through our daily lives with radical generosity and limitless love. Jesus said, “You cannot serve God and money.” (Matthew 6:24).  If your trust is in money and not in God, your plan and your life will fall apart. God’s word commands us not to worry, that our Heavenly Father will meet our needs. (Matthew 6:31-33) The economy and market are unreliable and vulnerable to wide swings and disruptions. It’s a good reason the Bible tells us to trust in God’s provision, not wealth. Aside from deploying funds from your DAF, consider giving into the fund in faith and with compassion for those in need. Consider your time and talents with the same mindset of abundance. Instead of seeing our lives  as “too busy to get my tasks done, let alone help others”, we can prioritize our  time to help others first and trust God will open up our availability in new ways. 

Love God and neighbor, not money. 

Loving  others is at the heart of our faith. What’s special is that NCF Givers have the capacity and desire to give and provide. May we be believers that continue to lovingly serve one another in times of economic hardship. May we be radically generous with all that God blesses us with – even if that requires sacrifice – and be thankful for what we have. God’s word tells us that cheerful generosity will bring a bountiful harvest (2 Corinthians 9:6–7) and that giving to those in need carries a reward (Matthew 6:4). Loving our neighbors through a down economy can include more than just money, though it’s an important piece. Consider how you can give of your LIFE (Labor, Influence, Finances, and Expertise) to brothers and sisters in your community and across the globe in response to an upcoming or current recession (or natural disaster). 

Deal wisely with money 

We are all feeling the impact of inflated gas prices and groceries. The reality is, those on the margins in our world, are feelings  it even more. Your heart to make the biggest possible impact in the areas of your greatest passion is needed most during hard economic times – and we know you’re ready to be generous, like Paul mentions in 1 Timothy 6:17–18. Paul says for those who are wealthy, “Charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life.” In our world, money equals value. As Christians, we don’t always value the same things as the world, which means we will be spending and giving our money differently. While the stock market is down, there are still appreciating assets we can abundantly give from, like real estate and business interests. Dealing wisely with our money and stewarding it generously allows us to truly live fulfilled.  
Remembering God’s economy, we should be more generous with our LIFE during a recession, not less. NCF Heartland is always looking for new ways to help you navigate giving strategies with faith, confidence and contentment. Get in touch to learn more.

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