NCF Heartland

A like-minded ministry you can trust

Every day, we help givers just like you send more to the causes they love. Together, we've mobilized over $18 billion for 90,000 charities at work here in our community and around the world.

Three creative ways to leverage your business for generosity

Oftentimes we question whether the job we do or the business we own (or shall we say, steward) could “qualify” as kingdom work. It doesn’t matter if our business is database marketing, raising a family, running a crane and rigging company, or selling widgets, the answer is a resounding, “YES!” We don’t have to sell bibles door-to-door or lead a ministry to share the love of God within the marketplace. If we believe that God owns everything – our work, our income, our time, our talents – then business and generosity go hand in hand. When we shift our business mindset to that of generosity as a joyful expression of gratitude, our work – whatever it is –  becomes about advancing  the kingdom.

In business, God may be calling you to create, to do, or to serve in ways that, on the surface, may not overtly scream, “This is for the Kingdom!” But if you are open to creativity and radical generosity, you can leverage business in unique ways to join  God’s greater mission. 

3 creative ways to leverage your business for generosity 

1. Adopt a charitable shareholder strategy 
Don’t just tithe off business profits, tithe from the balance sheet. One of NCF’s most innovative solutions, the charitable shareholder strategy allows you to donate a non-voting interest in your business to us, receive a substantial tax deduction, and still maintain management oversight of your business (through the retained voting interest) while generating ongoing  value. 

2. Commit to corporate giving 
Create an environment of generosity by establishing a corporate giving fund, encourage employees to give into the fund, and set the company to match their gifts. Create a committee tasked with selecting charities and overseeing the fund. Set up serve days with specific nonprofits that are tied to your company’s industry or that rise to the top of committee discussions. Bring in speakers that champion the causes identified as important to your company. 

3. Love employees well 
Businesses can lead with generosity by seeking to embody the Gospel as it hires, trains, employs and even terminates employees. Leave a meaningful impact on employees in the way it provides for them and their families through compensation, benefits, time off, and prioritizing their health and happiness. Support career and educational growth by inviting employees to take a participatory role in the company mission. Encourage employees to intentionally participate in God’s transformational work by modeling the Gospel in the marketplace toward coworkers, partners, and clients. 

How you leverage your specific business for generosity requires you to think about where God has you, and the opportunities He gives you to show His love. Ask yourself questions like:

  • What is our community like? 
  • What areas of brokenness does our industry face? 
  • Which tools, resources, or relationships has God entrusted to us that we can leverage  for good? 
  • What are the people we employ passionate about or what do they need? 

NCF’s collaborative friends at C12 have a great exercise to help you clarify and zero in on how you can use your business for generosity.
Our desire at NCF is to help entrepreneurs like you maximize Kingdom investing. Your business can play a significant role in satisfying your heart for generosity by giving your business before you sell it, giving your business and holding it, or other tips for building a generous business. We’re here to help you experience more joy and greater generosity as you reach your financial and charitable goals.

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