
4 assumptions pastors can no longer make about church giving patterns

The way people give is changing. If your church hasn’t felt the results of those changes yet, you will soon. If you are feeling them, you may be scrambling to figure out what’s happening, why, and what to do about it.

By Karl Vaters, Christianity Today

The good news is that everyone is experiencing this, or is about to. So you’re not alone in it.

The bad news is that everyone is experiencing this, or is about to. So even the usual lifeboats (e.g. denominational support) are less likely to be there when we need them.

Since these changes in church giving patterns are so universal, the sooner we understand and adapt to what’s happening, the better.

Let’s take a look at four major shifts that are happening in the way people give to their local church.

1. A drop in per-person giving may not indicate a problem (but it probably does)

One of the first financial principles I was taught about pastoring was to keep an eye on the church’s giving patterns. Not because ministry is about money, but because a church’s offering patterns are like the canary in the coal mine. They’ve always been one of the earliest, most accurate barometers of congregational displeasure, dysfunction or anger.

Before people tell the pastor they’re unhappy, they stop or slow their giving down … often subconsciously. So a drop in per-person giving was always a cause for concern. Not just because it made the bills harder to pay, but because it was an accurate early warning signal of underlying problems.

While it’s still true that people stop or slow their giving when they’re unhappy, that is no longer the only reason for a drop in giving.

In the church I pastor, for instance, every other indicator of health and strength is up, from overall attendance, to new believers, to ministry involvement, and more. But giving has not just flattened out, it’s dropped every year for six years – until this year.

Read the full story at Christianity Today. 
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