
How is God calling you to change the world?

All Christians were created in Christ to do good works, but what are these good works we’re called to do? Many of us have a strong desire to change the world, but how do we go about it? If God has blessed your family with more than you need, he’s given you the grace of giving. But how do you discover where to give?

Consider taking some time with your family over the holidays to discuss specific ways you want to give from the resources God has given you. Hosting a family discussion to share stories and ideas, and to discover what causes you most want to support, is an excellent way to find each person’s unique calling as a giver.

Gratitude is celebrated, and even cultivated, on Thanksgiving. But building on that through thoughtful discussion can serve as a catalyst for intentional giving in the coming year. With hearts already primed to consider this topic, invite your family to learn together about opportunities to respond to God’s graciousness through giving. There’s something for everyone, even the kids, to discover as you go through the following activities we’ve created just for you.

With school-age children

Fostering a legacy of generosity in your children and grandchildren begins with sharing with them early about the joy of being a giver and modeling intentional generosity. Research tells us that families who share resources and talk about money are happier, closer, and even live longer. Consider the ages of the children who will be present at your gathering, and use a few (or all) of these questions to help them discover more about ways they’re wired to be generous.

  1. Tell about a time someone has helped you. How did it make you feel?
  2. Do you know people who don’t have things they need? Have you heard of something happening near home or somewhere in the world that made you feel like you wanted to help?
  3. Tell about a time you helped a friend or family member by sharing something you have – for example, kind words, a hug, something that was yours.
  4. What is unique about you that God can use to help others?
  5. Is there something wrong in the world that you wish you could fix? (Think about a problem in your school, your neighborhood, or even somewhere far away?)

For the adults

Some people know exactly what causes ignite their passion to give. Others have a heart to give but don’t know where to start. Whether everyone is in the same place or you have both kinds of people in your family, our Causes & Passions Guide can help.

This resource provides a series of discovery exercises, so each family member can explore the causes and charities that stir their hearts and energize them. Defining each person’s favorite areas to support can help you give with more impact as a family, cultivate unity, and create a legacy of generosity based on biblical principles. Download the guide to get started.

The causes exercise on page three is a fun way to examine what you’ve already devoted yourself to and compare the results with other family members. The exercise is individual, so you may want to print a copy of that page for every family member participating. Then, take some time to talk about what your family members care most about supporting.

Use page four to record your family’s most-valued causes and discuss their big dreams. If time allows, write a statement that describes some of your family’s biggest dreams for those causes. Finally, encourage family members to make themselves experts about that cause by learning as much as they can. Then they will be equipped to find charities or ministries that have a mission which aligns with their dreams.

Gratitude multiplies exponentially when the opportunity to give impacts others in your community or even around the world. We hope these questions and exercises provide not only food for thought, but substantive calls to action that will add deeper meaning to your holiday celebrations.

Download the Causes and Passions Guide.

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Move over Black Friday: #GivingTuesday is the better deal

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