
Satisfied: how to be free from the love of money

How does the phrase “be satisfied with what you have” strike you? I confess that it bothers me.

I might be a pretty content guy, but the idea of being satisfied with what I have implies that I shouldn’t be hoping for more … a nicer house or a more dependable car or even a fancier cell phone.

Could this satisfaction be an indictment against ambition or a mandate for lethargy? I wonder.

Yet scripture says very clearly that we are not to love money but bet satisfied with what we have (Hebrews 13:5 NLT). Because I believe that God’s word is always true, whether I like it or not, I have been digging to better understand the “whys” and “hows” of this command. Follow along for what I have been learning.

Why we should be satisfied?

  1. It’s an antidote to the love of money (greed)

If you are struggling with this concept, let me ask you another question: “Do you think it is okay to love money?” I am guessing most of you are saying, “Of course not! We should love God and each other … not money!”

But read Hebrews 13:5 again (here in the NLT): “Don’t love money; be satisfied with what you have.”

The problem is this: being content with our current circumstances is directly linked to not loving money. Stated differently, if we are not satisfied with what we have, we evidently have a love for money. The good news is this: When we develop a satisfied mindset, we are liberated from loving money. It is the antidote.

Read the full story at SeedTime.

Photo: Fernando Brasil, Unsplash

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