
2 activities to help you focus on gratitude with your family

A lot of us want to talk about generosity at the Thanksgiving dinner table, but it doesn’t always happen. One of the biggest reasons may be because we didn’t make a plan. So, this year, we’ve made one for you.

Here are some simple ideas to help your family express gratitude this season.

Readings from the Psalms

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good;
  his love endures forever.
Let the redeemed of the Lord tell their story ….

Psalm 107:1-2

Try reading some of these Psalms around your Thanksgiving table this year. Try a call-and-response type Psalm or decide to read one verse each. And after you have expressed your gratitude, don’t forget to share your stories.

  1. Psalm 34 is an invitation for those who are troubled, afflicted, or afraid to give thanks and magnify God who is our deliverer, refuge, and provider.
  2. Psalm 30:11-12 says God turns our mourning into dancing and clothes us with joy.
  3. Psalm 100 teaches us that our praise and thanksgiving brings us into his presence!
  4. Psalm 103:1-18. Read this whole passage, which reminds us of what God has done for us.
  5. Psalm 136. Read the whole Psalm or a selection of verses as a call and response to express gratitude to God for all of the things he has done for us.

Gratitude lists for all ages and levels of faith

For very young children
Before it’s Thanksgiving, show your kids or grandkids what you are thankful for and how you give thanks. Then invite them to tell you what they are are thankful for. Write their answers on a sheet of paper or in a journal and read them out loud when the family is gathered at the table. Kids old enough to write may want to make their own lists and even decorate them.

For teens and adults
Use Philippians 4:8 as a guide. Invite each family member to make a list of what is true, honorable, just, pure, etc., according to the verse. Then ask them to explain why they are thankful for at least one of these things. Share these when you are gathered together.

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