
Generous people are rarely single-issue donors

Last week marked the 25th anniversary of the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. This day, October 17, is dedicated each year to motivating people to take action and work toward the eradication of extreme poverty, violence and hunger in the world.

Though the challenges seem overwhelming, there are good reasons to have hope about global poverty, especially when it comes to the Church’s role, and many American adults are forging ahead in the fight. But who are these people, and what motivates them? In this infographic from The Good News About Global Poverty, a new Barna report produced in partnership with Compassion International, we look at the correlation between donating to causes aimed at eradicating global poverty and other acts of engagement and compassion.

The more you care, the more you care

American adults who donate to help children in extreme poverty are also generous in other areas of their lives, are anchored by an active faith and are more concerned about a range of other important issues. That is, caring about global poverty means caring about other issues.

The data shows that interest and investment in the fight against global poverty goes hand-in-hand with a generous outlook toward many social issues they could help with – and is associated with actually doing something about these causes. Whether concern begets action, or action begets concern, the data suggests an encouraging cycle of engagement and compassion.

Barna Compassion

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