
YouVersion gains 1 million new Bible subscribers on New Year’s Day

While there is frequent news about the declining number of people who affiliate with Christian churches, there is some good news about the Bible. People are still interested.

The YouVersion Bible application proves old is still gold. The immensely popular app, now 10 years old, enjoyed one million brand new subscriptions on January 1, 2019. The numbers represent a 62 percent rise compared to 2018.

YouVersion is an easily downloadable mobile application for smartphones. The app provides the Christian Bible in a number of different languages. The user can also select a particular version. Bible Plan subscribers have access to pair Bible passages with devotional, video, or audio content. The plans are available in over 50 languages and designed to help guide the reader through the Bible within three timelines: one year, six months, or three months.

John Piper, who founded the Christian website, recently put forward a number of reasons why people should read the Bible every day in 2019. He listed “motivation” at the top of his list, saying that those who don’t read the Bible will miss out on the motivation for everything God is calling us to do. Piper points out that it’s hard to stay motivated about something if you’re not regularly engaging with it.

Read the full story at World Religion News. 
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