
5 disruptive church trends that will rule 2019

As everything seems to change around us more quickly than ever, what trends should church leaders pay attention to in 2019? For the last three years, Carey Nieuwhof of Connexus Church in Ontario, Canada, kicked off the new year with a post on disruptive church trends.

By Carey Nieuwhof

Why do trends matter? The reason is two-fold.

First, there’s no shortage of information in our culture. But there is a shortage of meaning. It’s one thing to know something is happening, it’s another to know what to do with it and which trends matter most.

Second, leaders who fail to navigate the disruptive trends happening in our culture won’t be left with much to lead.

Leaders who pretend nothing needs to change end up being the blacksmith in the era of the automobile, Sears in the age of Amazon, or Kodak in an Instagram culture.

If you ever hope to reach the next generation, change is your friend.

Here is a preview of a couple of the trends in this article:

  1. Charismatic expressions of church will grow while attractional churches will continue to stall out.
  2. Online church will evolve to become a front door and side door, not a back door.
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