
9 simple ways small businesses can give back

It is often assumed that giving back is something that only big corporations can do. After all, larger businesses often have more profits and can easily give away money to notable causes.

But it doesn’t mean that smaller businesses can’t do the same. Often times, small businesses can also have a significant impact on organizations that can use their help.

We asked members of the Forbes Business Development Council for ideas on how small businesses can give back to their communities. Consider some of these suggestions if you’re looking for a way to contribute to an organization or cause that you care about.

1. Make The Donations Count

A smaller business can still be a great contributor even if they aren’t able to bring in the million-dollar donations of a big corporation. I would add a small local charity to the action strategy who would benefit from the donation, as opposed to a larger charity that is nationally known. Any amount your company is able to raise will really make an impact for the smaller one when they receive it. – Craig McGraw, Trans American Trucking & Warehouse

2. Consider In-Kind Donations

One way that small businesses can support charities is by giving in-kind donations. These gifts can be labor, professional services or event space. Charities take help any way they can get it, and sometimes labor is the best way to support your favorite charity. – Elizabeth Pritchett, Center Point Business Solutions

Read the full story at Forbes.

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