
How much do you know about human trafficking (and what are you doing to help)?

In recent years, the crime of human trafficking has been on the rise, but so have the organizations working to bring awareness and end it. God’s faithful servants are rising up to work toward rescuing the millions of people affected by this crime and to ensure that no one is ever exploited again.

Take the quiz to test your knowledge, or log in to your Giving Fund to join them.

She is in danger

Let’s start with the cold hard fact that 99 percent of human trafficking for sexual exploitation happens to girls. They’re lied to, coerced, seduced, forced, beaten, or drugged into compliance. And it’s not just happening in third-world countries. The trafficking trade is on the rise in our country too.

He is in danger

Human trafficking is not just sexual exploitation, and it’s not only girls. Boys are trafficked too. Men are trafficked, forced to work against their will in dangerous conditions. Even whole families are exploited in some countries. Wherever there is poverty, there can be oppression and indentured servitude. Many people suffer in modern-day slavery because of a debt they are never able to pay off. What an opportunity to set someone free and open the door for the gospel, as it ties so closely to these people’s stories.

We have a choice

NCF givers support organizations working all the angles to stop human trafficking. From hotlines to help on the ground, from rescue to aftercare, to fighting the demand by helping men out of addiction, passionate givers and goers, servants some call the “new abolitionists” are working to end this, the fastest-growing organized crime in the world.

How savvy are you about the cause of human trafficking?

Take this online quiz provided by our friends at She is Safe.

Next steps

If you’re feeling called to do something about human trafficking, here are a few things you can do:

  1. Log in to your Giving Fund.
  2. Click or tap the Search icon in the top menu bar.
  3. Search by cause, and select Human Trafficking.
  4. Read through the profiles of some of the many organizations you can choose from. Do your own research. Look at the reputations, and focus of the organizations you’re considering. Then choose one to receive a grant.
  5. Find out how you can volunteer.

Don’t have a Giving Fund? You can open one in less than five minutes.

Up Next

Rescue and triage: Understanding the human-trafficking trade (part 2)

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